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Create a comma separated list from column using select statement

18 mrt. 2024
1 min read  

Create a comma-separated list from the column using the select statement: An Overview

Sometimes it is necessary to construct a comma-separated list of column values, such as a list of EmailIDs for mail distribution. In SQL Server, this can be accomplished by using COALESCE, as seen below. Consider using a SQL Server Tutorial or enrolling in a SQL Server Certification Course to gain additional insights and skills.

Use of COALESCE to create a comma-separated list

Suppose we have the following data in the Employee table and we need to make a semicolon-separated list of EmailIDs to send mail, then we can use COALESCE as shown in below fig.

Here I am creating a semicolon(;) separated list. You can use a comma(,) in place of the semicolon to make the comma-separated list.

For SQL Server database mail setup and configuration and more on how to send mail from SQL Server database you can refer to this article.


In this article, I expose the use of COALESCE to make comma-separated or deli-meter-separated lists. I hope after reading this article you will know how to configure SQL Database Mail in Sql Server. I would like to have feedback from my blog readers. Please post your feedback, questions, or comments about this article.


Q1. In SQL Server, how do I convert a column into a comma-separated list?

In SQL Server, use the STRING_AGG() function with the column you want to concatenate & the delimiter (a comma).

Q2. Can I create a comma-separated list without using STRING_AGG()?

Yes, you can do this by using the XML Path concatenation method or recursive CTEs to concatenate items with custom logic.

Q3. What happens if I wish to exclude NULL values from the comma-separated list?

To exclude NULL values, just use a conditional statement within the aggregation function, like this: STRING_AGG(column_name, ',') WHERE column_name IS NOT NULL.

Q4. What happens if I wish to exclude NULL values from the comma-separated list?

To exclude NULL values, just use a conditional statement within the aggregation function, like this: STRING_AGG(column_name, ',') WHERE column_name IS NOT NULL.

Q5. Is there a maximum amount of values I may concatenate into a comma-separated list?

The STRING_AGG() method in SQL Server has a maximum input size limit of 4 MB, therefore the number of items that can be concatenated is determined by the size of the data.
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Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at Scholarhat by DotNetTricks)

Shailendra Chauhan is the Founder and CEO at ScholarHat by DotNetTricks which is a brand when it comes to e-Learning. He provides training and consultation over an array of technologies like Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node, Microservices, Containers and Mobile Apps development. He has been awarded Microsoft MVP 8th time in a row (2016-2023). He has changed many lives with his writings and unique training programs. He has a number of most sought-after books to his name which has helped job aspirants in cracking tough interviews with ease.
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