Bootstrap Interview Questions and Answers Book

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Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework for developing websites. In this book, we'll provide a list of Bootstrap interview questions and answers. We'll also provide tips on how to best answer these questions. Bootstrap interview questions and answers pdf is for web developers who want to prepare for an interview. These are the bootstrap interview questions for experienced professionals as well as freshers. This pdf will help you a lot. All the best!

About the Book

This book is for UI designer and Web developer who are looking for a change or want to make a bright future in Bootstrap. This book covers the interview questions on the following topics:

  1. Bootstrap core concepts
  2. Bootstrap CSS and configuration.
  3. Responsive website using Bootstrap
  4. Different layout components In Bootstrap
  5. How to write bootstrap code using Visual Studio and Visual studio code.
  6. Bootstrap JavaScript Plugins.
  7. Customizing or extending Bootstrap.
  8. Bootstrap integration with ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, PHP, HTML, Angular, React

Table of Content

  1. Introducing Bootstrap
  2. Bootstrap CSS
  3. Bootstrap Layout Components
  4. Bootstrap JavaScript Plugins
  5. Extending Bootstrap
  6. Integrating Bootstrap
  7. Bootstrap Migrations
  8. Bootstrap v4 New Features

Release History

  1. Initial Release: 1.0 7th Jan 2019
  2. Second Release: 1.1 13th Feb 2019

Important Information

You can download this ebook in PDF format. The book subscription is valid only for 365 days. In this duration any update to the ebook content you will get at free of cost. After expiry date, you need to purchase it again to get updated PDF of the ebook.

An Author and Blogger
Satyaprakash Samantaray Angular, WCF, SQL Server, MVC, C#, ASP.NET

He is passionate about Microsoft .NET technology and likes to share knowledge with the .NET developer's community. He is a contributor in Microsoft and the ASP.NET developer community.

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