JavaScript and ES6 Questions and Answers Book

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In order to be a successful JavaScript developer, it is important to be familiar with the language and common JavaScript interview questions and answers. This book provides detailed answers to some of the most commonly asked questions, so that you can be prepared for your next interview. In this book, we'll be taking a look at the ES6 interview questions and answers. So whether you're just getting started with ES6 or you're interviewing candidates, this post will help you out. Let's get started!

About the Book

This book is for those who want to learn JavaScript and for those who are going to appear for the JavaScript interview to have a bright future in front-end technologies.

Table of Content

  1. Introducing JavaScript
  2. String
  3. Object
  4. Array
  5. Functions
  6. Regular Expression
  7. Events
  8. Window Objects
  9. Error Handling and Code Snippets

Release History

  1. Initial Release: 1.0 - 7th Feb 2019

Important Information

You can download this ebook in PDF format. The book subscription is valid only for 365 days. In this duration any update to the ebook content you will get at free of cost. After expiry date, you need to purchase it again to get updated PDF of the ebook.

Microsoft MVP and Sr. Software Engineer
Gowtham K .Net Framework, JavaScript, jQuery

He is having around 5 years of working experience in various technologies like C#, ASP.NET, MVC, Azure, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS and HTML. He loves to work on various web technologies, his passion is to learn, experiment, and share knowledge.

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